Spring is in the air! Flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and the Beagle Freedom Project is in puppy heaven! In January 2018 seven of the fifteen beagles rescued from a Beijing laboratory flew to the US for veterinary care, forever families, and freedom. The other seven beagles remained and were adopted by amazing families in China. One senior beagle, scheduled to come to America had to have her trip postponed; she was pregnant. Although Maria is a very sensitive senior who is also blind, she gave birth to…
Category: Videos

Party with the Peeps
Spring is in the air! And freedom is on the ground. What better way to usher in the season and holiday weekend than by welcoming 10 sweet little bunnies just rescued from a laboratory!

Finley’s Story
“We take our role as Finley’s advocate very seriously and do our best to share her story, our knowledge of vivisection, BFP, the Cruelty-Cutter app and living cruelty-free to everyone we can.” The Hildebrandt family is proud to present Miss Finley Faith, also known as Finney, Finnaroo, and Faenerys (cue Game of Thrones fans). The lives of Dave, Jessica, Addison (13), Hadley (12) and Delaney (9) Hildebrandt have changed dramatically since learning about the Beagle Freedom Project (now Beagle Freedom Project). Mom, Jessica, was first to come across the organization’s…

Teddy's Story
“I will always be his voice. I will always tell his story to anyone who will listen to me, even if they won’t listen. I’ll keep trying.” For Betty and Julio Bare, loving a research beagle came at a cost: Grief. They lost their beloved research beagle, Teddy, at the age of 15. That’s a lifetime of love for most dogs, but for Teddy, who spent the first 14 years of his life as a test subject in a research lab, 15 months of freedom with the Bare family was…

Asher's Story
Greeting from a log cabin outside of Rochester, NY! This week we meet 5-year old Asher who has a peculiar habit of eating his house. Everyone. . .meet Ash-Potato! BFP: Tell us about the rescue you were part of? Asher: I was rescued in October 2016 from a lab in New York State. I wish I could tell you more, but for the protection of my friends still in captivity and in the hopes they will be released, I remain silent on all other information. BFP: How…

BFP + You
Watch our year end video and be inspired! BFP (we rescue the survivors.) + YOU (you create the families.) = Together (we change the world!)

BFP + You = Freedom
BFP + YOU = TOGETHER. We rescue the survivors. You create the families. We change the world! Without you, none of this would be possible.

The 'LA Love' Rescue!
LA is the city of angels and there could not be four more precious ones than our latest laboratory rescues. Poppy, Molly, Libra, and Jackson who all just found their freedom in LA! These sweet beagles have spent about two years old or so in a laboratory being tested on, and are finally starting a real life…. and what a way to start it! Greeted by celebrity supporters and the BFP Kids – the beagles got lots of hugs, kisses, tummy rubs, and treats (of course!). Their late afternoon arrival…

The DC 7
Beagle Freedom Project successfully rescued 7 beagles from a laboratory near Washington DC. All the dogs have spent their entire 4 year-old lives inside and are just now taking their first breaths of fresh air and starting their new lives! The six boys and one girl are all incredibly affectionate and so eager to explore the world. This rescue is proudly being called our Baines-Rutan Rescue, as two of our BFP Board members covered most of the upfront costs to make this liberation day possible! Often beagles straight out of…

The Midwest 10
These 10 rescued beagles were from a laboratory in the mid west. They had spent their lives in a laboratory being tested on, some for almost seven years. These 10 beautiful boys arrived in Los Angeles on February 27th 2013 and were greeted by dedicated volunteers and even some celebrities. Unsure of what to make of the large scale of the outdoors, many gingerly took steps, while others began romping freely. After giving their lives to medical research, it is our hope, that they will overcome their fears and trauma…

The San Diego 10
We rescued 10 sweet angels from a horrific lab in San Diego. These poor boys were so sick, many had teeth so rotten, we had to get 10-11 teeth on several pulled out. After LOTS of medical care, massage therapy, and LOVE, they are all thriving in their forever homes! One of them has wires running through his entire body, another has a heart murmer and congestive heart failure and yet another has Cushings. One, Billy, is even a therapy dog for people now!