Name: Scotty
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Years Old
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Hey everyone, it’s me, Scotty!
I didn’t really know who I was in the world, but it seems I’ve made a bit of an impression since entering this strange world called freedom. I happen to over hear my foster talking about me and it made me cry to know how far I’ve come. Guess what they were saying?
They said I’m eating and drinking “normally” whatever that means and I admit, I do love taking those special treats out of their hands. They are so yummy and I seem to get them for doing nothing at all. My foster loves that I like meeting new people and says I’m very “friendly”, which I’m guessing is a good thing! The vet staff love me too, I think it’s because I put my head on all of their laps – it’s just so cozy and I get more head rubs that way!
Apparently I still need some work with the doggy door – who knew you could just walk in and out freely, I’m still in awe of that and what they call nature. I saw a hummingbird yesterday and my foster said that it meant joy – well I believe that because I sure feel joy nowadays. In fact I have so much joy that I’d like to share some with a special family to call my own.