Name: Quinn
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Male
Age: 8 Years Old
Location: Los Angeles Area

Hello! They call me Quinn
I’m definitely not your average dog… I’ve endured more than anyone should have to endure and I’ve seen more than anyone should have to see, but I promise I’m a gem! I was locked up in a laboratory testing facility for 8 years, but it seemed like forever. I never thought I’d see the day where me and my friends would be free, but here we are… free and loving life!!
· Learn that not all people are bad
· Break out of my shell and show people how special I really am
· Make friends
· I’ve heard a lot good things about something called “a toy…” I would love to know what all the fuss is about!
· Finding my forever family!
I know, I know… I’ve got a lot to learn, but I would love to share all my breakthroughs and new adventures with you! Are you ready for the time of your life?