“OLD BOY” was born at Marshall Bio Resources and has been there for his entire life used as a stud dog for breeding and other things.
Camp Beagle has documented footage revealing this sweet old guy, riddled with arthritis, longingly looking out of a grated window, finally able to see a little sunshine and something new in front of him.
However, when the workers realized that the covering had fallen off of the window, they quickly replaced it so that “Old Boy” couldn’t look out anymore.
MBR ACRES is a massive beagle breeding and testing facility in Huntingdon, England with approximately 2000 beagles born, used and imprisoned at any given time.
Once they are 6 weeks old, they are shipped to be sold to animal testing and spend their lives in torture.
The ones who are not shipped remain at MBR to be bred and then bled, living in tiny confined cages with no bedding, no enrichment and no access to the outdoors.
When they are bled, they either die during the bleeding, or if they can survive, they live out their lives in this horrible place.
Re-homing is a humane way of giving these dogs a second chance at life. BFP US has re-homed over 3,000 dogs from animal testing and breeding facilities with a 100% success rate.
The UK CoP’s require that dogs who are able to be re-homed, should be re-homed and MBR’s own license, giving it permission to bleed dogs, states that it will re-home dogs used for bleeding.
“These dogs will continue to be used as donors for several years until they are retired.”
“Old Boy” deserves to see the sunshine during hid Golden Years…..
Take Action
If you are a UK resident, please sign this Parliamentary Petition.
Please send a polite letter to MBR leadership and UK politicians asking for the release of “Old Boy.”
Beagle Freedom Project UK has a wonderful home waiting for him.