Name: Amelia
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: Senior
Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Name: Phoebe
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Age: Young
Location: Los Angeles, CA.

Amelia and Phoebe are two kindred spirits – these two queens don’t go anywhere without each other – they are best friends and we want to see them go into the same forever home together. Amelia and Phoebe are survivors of animal testing from a laboratory where they endured years of being treated like a test subject. Amelia is quite the shy senior, but once she warms up to you, she will come sit and stare at you until you pet her – in fact, her favorite thing in the world is to be pet and have her coat brushed with a comb. Phoebe is a little more social than Amelia, maybe it’s her young age but she also has a little sass to her personality as well, but the two of them balance each other out so well and they love each other dearly. They both love to lounge around together in the sun or they will sometimes hide away and keep to themselves, they love to eat treats together, and be in each others company. These two gorgeous “sisters” deserve a loving, forever home!