Chrissie was about to be taken from her home by authorities because she was not allowed in the province, so we took her so she would not be sold. Chrissie is 3 years old and just a little Standard Poodle and full of love! read more
Day: March 22, 2021

Xiao To
Xiao To is an adorable 2 year-old Golden Retriever. She was about to be taken from her home because she is illegal in the province where she lives in, as she is over the weight limit. Her family was heartbroken but begged for help and we took her. She can’t wait to meet her new family. Could it be you? read more

Meet Burton!
Burton was rescued from the horrors of the dog meat trade just a few short months ago (#DogsInTheDark). She has never experienced a gentle, loving human touch; instead, all she ever knew was betrayal and abuse. Though Burton’s first three years of life were hard, she’s ready to start a new life as a loved member of a family and we can’t wait to see Burton flourish in a home she can call her very own. Can you picture Burton as part of your family? read more

Three years. GeGe is 3 years old and has never experienced what it’s like to be loved or cared for by a human. She spent her days in a dirty cage outside, being constantly passed over, and just left to fend for herself. This is the life of a dog in the illegal breeding business. It’s been a long, hard road for GeGe, but she is ready to start a new chapter of her life! You could be the lucky person to get to spoil her and show GeGe what life can be like for a loved and cared for member of a family. Can you picture this sweet girl snuggled up next to you? read more

Jack is an adorable two year old Standard Poodle who was rescued from an illegal breeder about to be sold to the dog meat trade. He was one of the lucky ones who got out just in time! We got him all cleaned up and ready for his trip to freedom. Jack would love a home with another dog to teach him, but it is not required. read more

Heart is a recent addition to our country! He is very quiet and shy although slowly coming out of his shell. Heart is really adorable with some cute white spots here and there. He’s currently letting anyone who is willing take him for a walk and for some reason only does zoomies in the evening before bed! read more

Peng Peng
Peng Peng is a stunning two year old Standard Poodle who was rescued from an illegal breeder about to be sold to the dog meat trade. She was one of the lucky ones who got out just in time! We got her all cleaned up and ready for her trip to freedom. Peng Peng would love a home with another dog to teach her, but it is not required. read more

I had a pretty rough start to my life… people have even said I was really close to being eaten as part of the illegal dog meat trade. Luckily, I got rescued before that happened. When they found me, my hair was all matted and I had knots everywhere! They took me to the groomer and got me all cleaned up and now I have some luscious locks! I never knew there were good people out there… but the groomer and my rescuers showed me otherwise. Now, I’m looking for a loving family to take me in and call me theirs! Another dog would help as I don’t really know how to “dog” just yet, but don’t worry, I’ll get there! read more

Hunter arrived from overseas very scared and confused as to what was happening. It didn’t take him long to realize that this is the start of his new, amazing life! His first few weeks of freedom consisted of lots of tail wags, cuddles, a new found love of blankets, and most of all, in true beagle fashion, showed his love for food! His foster mom says he loves playing with his fur-sibling, but he is also more than happy to lay on the couch and cuddle! He is still searching for his furever home and someone to give his love to. Could you be his person? read more

Adorable Michael is a new U.S. citizen and is making himself quite at home. His first night he took to the lawn furniture and decided he owned it and was going to sunbathe until nightfall. This guy is totally enthralled with finding his foster brother’s buried bones and toys all over the yard so look out, he is curious and confident and loving his new “digs”. read more