Loretta Lynn has had a tough life. It seems she was used for breeding, and when the breeder was done with her, she was dumped in the woods. As if that isn’t scary enough for a dog, Loretta Lynn suffered even more because she is blind. She wandered around for possibly weeks before being rescued. She ended up at an animal shelter, and at that point Beagle Freedom Project learned of her plight and stepped in to save her. read more
Day: October 29, 2018

Shadow and Sunny
Bonded bunnies Shadow and Sunny were rescued from a high-kill Los Angeles shelter. These two lovely rabbits have been together all of their lives. They love snuggling with each other and can usually be found lying side by side in their bed. read more

Clover and Violet
Clover and Violet are two adorable New Zealand white rabbits. They are affectionate, playful and fun-loving! These sweethearts are litter-box trained and ready to hop their way into your home! read more